1. Legenda Emoke (The Legend of Emoke) Čs.Spisovatel, Prague 1963,1965; Odeon, Prague, 1966; Sixty-Eight
Publishers, Corp.,Toronto, 1982 (in Dvě legendy); Primus, Prague, 1992

Translations : 1. Hungary (Tatran 1966, in the anthology Senki Sem Fog Nevetni)

2.  France (Gallimard, 1966)

3.  Poland (Czytelnik, 1966)

4.  Germany (Hanser, 1967)

5.  Great Britain (Podprad,London, 1984, Polish translation)

6.  Bangladesh(1997)

7.Russia (Eksmo, 2004) in The End of the Nylon Age and other stories

2. Bassaxofon (The Bass Saxophone): Svobodné Slovo, Prague, 1967 (in Babylónský příběh); Sixty-Eight
Publishers, Corp.,Toronto, 1982 (in Dvě legendy); Primus, Prague ,1990 (in Dvě legendy)

Translations (the following editions include also Emoke, and an essay „Red Music“):

1.  Canada (Anson-Cartwright, 1977)

2.  Great Britain (Charto and Windus, 1978)

3.  U.S.A. (Knopf, 1979)

4.  Norway (Cappelen, 1980)

5.  Holland (BertBakker, 1980)

6.  Great Britain (Picador, 1980)

7.  France (Gallimard, 1983)

8.  Canada (Lester Orpen Dennys)

9.  Spain (Editions Proa, 1988)

10.   Yugoslavia (Prosveta, 1986 – contains also stories about jazz from Hořkej svět)

11.Spain (Alianza Editorial, 1988)

12.Italy (Adelphi Edizioni, 1993

13.U.S.A. (Ecco Press, 1994)

14.Great Britain (Vintage,1994)

15.Brasil (Editoria Record, 1999)

16.Canada (Key Porter Books, 2001)

17.Russia (Eksmo, 2005) in The End ofthe Nylon Age and otherSíories

Bass Saxophone only:

1. Sweden (Bromberg, 1980)


1. U.S.A (Czechoslovak-American Marionette Theater, Grand Army Plaza Brooklyn, October 2005

Individual stories in:

1. Great Britain („Red Music“ in Nieregularny Puls, no. 17, Winter 1982-83 – Polish translation)

3.  Farářův konec (End of a Priest): novelization of a film script; Kruh, Hradec Králové, 1969

4.  Dvě legendy (Two Legends):Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto, 1982 (a one-volume edition of The Bass Saxophone,The Legend of Emoke and „Red Music“)

5.  Divák v únorové noci (An Observer in the February Night): samizdat, Prague 1948; Listy, Róme, 1989, no.3 Translations: 1. Germany (in Die Prager Moderně, Suhrkamp, 1991

6.  Neuilly (Headed for the Blues), Ivo Železný Publisher, Prague, 1996 (Volume IV, Collected Works) Translations:

1.   U. S. A.(Ecco Press, 1996)

2.               Canada (Knopf Canada, 1997)

3.               France (Éditions du Rocher, scheduled for 2001)


1. „The Recruiting of Jarka, Code Name Hammer,As Voluntary Police Informer“ (an excerpt inCommon Knowledge, Oxford University Press,Fall 1994, pp.145-149)


  1. Sedmiramenný svícen (The Menorah): Naše vojsko, Prague, 1964; Konfrontation, Zurich, 1974
    Translations: 1. Spain (Alberdania, 1996 – Basque Edition)
  2. Holland (AMBO, 2004)
  3. Russia (Eksmo, 2004) in The End ofthe Nylon Age and other stories Individual stories in Czech anthologies: 1. My Teacher, Mr. Katz, The Cuckoo Story (in Souhvězdí smutku, Epocha, Prague 2003)
    Translations of individual stories:
  4. Sweden (Wahlstrom and Windstrand; anthology Ny Tjeckist och Slovakish próza, 1965 story
    „Berattelsen om Goken“)
  5. Poland (Iskry; anthology 14 ipowiadan czeskich i slowackich, 1966, story: „Eine kleine Jazzmu
  6. Great Britain (Oxford University Press anthology Czech and Slovák Stories, story: „The Great
    Catholic Water Feast“)
  7. Denmark (Gyldendahl anthology Noveller fra Tjekkoslovakiet, 1969;story:“Til Rebekka“)
  8. U.S.A. (The Literary Review, XIII; 1, story: „Eine kleine Jazzmusik“)
  9. U.S.A.(Farleigh Dickinson University Press anthology White Stones and Fir Trees, 1977, story:
    „Eine kleineJazzmusik“)
  10. Poland (Odra Magazíne, 1978, story:“Eine kleine Jazzmusik“)
  11. U.S.A.( Jazzletter, California, 1982, story: „Eine kleine Jazzmusik“)
  12. France (Gallimard, Le saxophone basse,1983, story: „Rebecca“)

10.Canada (WRIT, no. 14, 1982, story „Rebecca“)

11.Germany (H.Beck, Munchen, anthology Die Juden in Bohmen und Mahren, story: „Wegen einer

lumpigen Perlenschnur“)

12.Australia (The Phoenix Review, no.l, Summer 1986/87, story :“The Cuckoo“)

13.U.S.A.(Penguin Books USA anthology, Marcela Breton, Editor, Hot andCool; Jazz Short Stories, 1990, story „Eine kleine Jazzmusik“)

14.     U.S.A.(The Troubadour, Vol.I.,issue 1,1995, story: „My teacher, Mr. Katz“, pp.93-106

15. Canada, in WhenEve Was Naked (Key Porter, 2001), stories: „My Uncle Kohn“, „My Teacher, Mr. Katz“, „Dr. Strass“, „The Cuckoo“, „Fragments about Rebecca“

16. U.S.A., in When Eve Was Naked (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), stories: „My Uncle Kohn“, „My Teacher Mr. Katz“, „Dr. Strass“, „The Cuckoo“, „Fragments about Rebecca“

17.   Czech Republic in Souhvězdí Smutku – The Constellation ofSadness (Epocha, Prague) stories: „My Teacher Mr. Katz“ and „The Cuckoo. „

2.  Ze života lepší společnosti (The Life of High Society): Mladá Fronta, Prague, 1965 Individual stories in German, Polish, Swiss and Bulgarian papers and magazines

3.  Smutek poručíka Borůvky (The Mournful Demeanor of Lieutenant Borůvka) :Mladá fronta, Prague, 1966,1968,1991; Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto, 1975

Translations: 1. Hungary (Europa, 1968)

2.  Rumania (Editura Pentru Literatura Universala, 1969, 1991)

3.  Great Britain (Gollancz, 1974)

4.  Finland (Werner Soderstrom, 1980)

5.  Canada (Lester Orpen Dennys, 1987)

6.  U.S.A. (Norton, 1987)

7.  Great Britain (Faber and Faber, 1987)

8.  Denmark (KLÍM, 1990)

9.  France (Editions de 1’Aube. 1999)

10.Canada (Key Porter, 2001)

Individual stories in:

1.U.S.A. (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazíne, October 1967, story „The Classical Semerak Čase“)

2.Germany (Volk und Welt anthology Der Fall mit dem verdrehten Schal, 1968, story: „Leutnant Borůvkas wissenschaftliche Methode“)

3.Australia (Red Point, issue 10, 1992, story „Death on Needlepoint“)

4.Australia (RedPoint, issue 14/August 1993, story „A View from the Tower“)

5.Canada (Canadian Mystery Stories, ed. by Alberto Manguel, Oxford University Press, Toronto,

1991, story „An Intimate Business)

6.  Poland (Przekrój,Nos. 33-34,1994, story „Crime in a Girls‘ Schod“)

7.  Canada (Peter Selles. Ed.. Arthur Ellis Awards. An Anthology qfPrize- Winning Crime and

MysteryFiction,l999, story „Humbug“.

8. England (Patricia Craig. Ed., The OxfordBook o/Detective Stories,2000, story „The Classical

Semerak Čase“)

4. Babylónský příběh (A Babylonian Story): Svobodné Slovo, Prague, 1967

Translations of individual stories in Polish, Swedish,German and Russian papers and magazines. See also SHORT NOVE1S : The Bass Saxophone, andCOLLECTIONS OF SHORT STORIES : Le saxophnonebasse (Gallimard 1983, story „Babylone sur Vltava“)

5.         Hořkej svět (The Bitter World): Odeon, Prague, 1969,1991; Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto,1978
Translations of individual stories in:

1.  Poland (PAX anthology Wiecej niz milošč,1964, story „Truej mlodziankowie w piecu ognistym“)

2.  U.S.S.R.(Molodaja gvardia anthology Domovoj mastylščika Gousky, 1964, story „Moj neputevij


3.  Czechoslovakia (Orbis anthology Seven Short Stories, 1965, story „Oh, My Papá!“)

4.  Yugoslavia (Mladinska knjiga anthology Čas nespečnosti, 1967, story „Moj očka važič i ja“)

5.  Germany (Horst Erdmann Verlag anthology Meine Freundin Julča, story „Mein Vater Leichtfuss und ich“)

6. Great Britain (Penguin anthology New Writing in Czechoslovakia, 1968, story „Song of the For

gotten Years“)

7.  U.S.A. (Evergreen Review, March 1969, story „Pink Champagne“)

8.  Denmark (Gyldendahls Magazín, story „Sangen fra de forglemte ar“)

9.  Germany (Die Zeit, October 1979, story „Der Bebop des Richard Kambala“)

10.Holland (Avenue, August 1972, story „Eva was toen naakt“)

11.Germany (Hoffmann und Campe Verlag anthology Neunundzwanzig neue Kurzgeschichten aus

der Zeit, story „Der Bebop des Richard Kambala“)

12.     France (Gallimard, Le saxophone basse, 1983, stories „Eve était nue“,“Déja, du temps des pyrami

des…“,“La fin de Bull Mácha“,“Du travail pour le service du personnel“)

13. Canada (Prism International, My 1983, story „An Insolvable Problém of Genetics“)

14. Canada (Rampike, 1985, story „The Bebop of Richard Kambala“)

15. U.S.A. (Confrontation, Winter 1985, story „The Well-Endowed Lizetka“)

16. Canada (Ethos, autumn 1986, story „Little MataHari of Prague“)

17. U.S.A.(Norton anthology Sudden Fiction, 1989, story „An Insolvable Problém of Genetics“)

18. U.S.A. (Antaeus, Spring-Autumn 1990, story „The Onset of My Literary Career“)

19. U.S.A. (San Francisco Statě University Review, Fall 1994, story: „The End of Bull Mácha“)

20. U.S.A. (San Francisco Statě University Review, Spring 1995, story: „How They GotNabbed“)

21. Sweden (Kapten Stofil, No.9, Goteborg, Story „The End of Bull Mácha“

22. Japan (Fine Short Stories in the World, Shinnihon Publishing, 1979, story „My Teacher, Mr. Katz“

23. Japan (Presents of Literatuře – Short Stories from Centrál and Eastern Europe, Michitani, 2000,

story: „How I Learned German, and Later English“

24. Ukraine (Vsemirnaja literatura, No.6, 2004, stories: „Pesnja zabudčich let“, „Rozovoe šampanskoe“)

25. Austria (Neues Forum, No. 126/127,1964, story: „Lied vergessener Jahre“

26. Austria (Neues Forum, No. 159, 1967, story: „Richard Kambala’s Be-pop“ [sic]

27. Germany (DVA 2005, stories: „Eine kleine Jazzmusik“, „Das Bassaxophon“, „Geschichten eines Tenorsaxophonisten“, „Bull Máchas Ende“, „Das Lied Vergessener Jahre“, „Pink Champagne“

6.         Hříchy pro pátera Knoxe (Sins for Father Knox): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto, 1973; Mladá
fronta, Prague, 1991

Translations : 1. Canada (Lester Orpen Dennys, 1988)

2.  U.S.A.(Norton, 1988)

3.  Great Britain (Faber and Faber,1989)

4.  Japan (Hayakawa, 1991)

5.  Argentina (Grupo Editorial Norma, 1999)

6.  France (L’aube noire, 1999)

6.         Hříchy pro pátera Knoxe (Sins for Father Knox): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto, 1973; Mladá
fronta, Prague, 1991

Translations : 1. Canada (Lester Orpen Dennys, 1988)

2.  U.S.A.(Norton, 1988)

3.  Great Britain (Faber and Faber,1989)

4.  Japan (Hayakawa, 1991)

5.  Argentina (Grupo Editorial Norma, 1999)

6.  France (L’aube noire, 1999)

7.         Ze života české společnosti (The Life of Czech Society): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto, 1985
Translations : 1. Yugoslavia (Dečie novině, Ljubij ana, 1987)

Individual stories in:

„An Unsolvable Problém of Genetics“ (Japan)

„Proč mají lidé měkké nosy“, „Podivu hodný jev chemický“, „Jak jsem unikla sňatku“, „Kterak došlo k mému sňatku“, „Volby v našem městě“ (Východoevropská literatura v kapse)

8. Povídky tenorsaxofonisty (The Tenor Saxophonisťs Story): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., 1993. Ivo
Železný, Publisher, Prague 1994 (Vol.IL, Collected Works)

Translations : 1. U.S.A. (The Ecco Press, 1996)

2.  Canada (In Headedfor the Blues, Knopf Canada, 1997)

3.  England (Faber & Faber, 1998)

4.  Brasil (Imago Editora, 1998

5.  Hungary (Europa Konivkiadó. 2001)
Translations of individual stories in:

1.   U.S.A. (Antaeus, The Finál Issue 1994, story „A Čase for Political Inspectors“, pp. 184-189)

2.   Canada (story „Panta rei“ in Rosemary Sullivan & Mark Levene, Short Fiction, Oxford U. Press, 2003)

9.         Povídky z Rajského údolí (The Edenvale Stories): Ivo Železný, Publisher, Prague, 1996)
Translations of individual stories in:

1. Canada (Descant, 1997; story „Jezabel of Forest Hill“)

10. When Eve Was Naked, Stories of a Life’s Journey (Key Porter Books, Toronto, 2000) A Canadian edition of my stories; contains 24 stories from various collections

11. When Eve Was Naked, Stories of a Life’s Journey (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002) Same stories as in the Canadian edition

Individual Stories in:

1. Canada (Exile, Vol. 24, No.2, story „Filthy Cruel World“, pp. 91-122)

12.       Historia Kukulki (Pogranicze, 2003)A Polish selection of mystories. Differs from both When Eve Was Naked and TheBitter World. Contains:Příběh s fotografiemi, Obraceč pionýrů, Neřešitelný problém genetický,Reakcionář Kohn, Ze života dnešní mládeže, Můj táta haur a já, FeminineMystique, Rebeka, Příběh o kukačce, Růžové šampaňské, Malá pražská matahára, Píseň zapomenutých let, Již staříEgypťané.


1.Seeking the Holý Grail. In Kosmas, Volume 14, Number 2, Spring 2001, pp.l13 – 115


1. Kingsley Amis, Lucky Jim, 1959

2.  Saul Bellow, Herzog, 1968

3.  Ambrose Bierce, Moxorťs Master and Other Stories, 1966

4.  Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, 1960

5.Roark Bradford, Ol‘ Man Adam and His Chillun and Ol‘ King David an‘ the Philistine Boys, 1957 (with P.L.Dorůžka)

6.  Raymond Chandler, The Lady In The Lake, 1965

7.Raymond Chandler, Three Times Phil Marlowe (The Big Sleep; The Long Good-Bye; Farewell My Lovely),1967

8.  Raymond Chandler, The High Window, 1969

9.  Agatha Christie, Three Plays, 1965

10. Agatha Christie, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, 1967

11. Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage, 1958

12. AJ.Cronin : TheNorthern Light, 1962

13. Charles Dickens, The Chimes, 1955

14. F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, The Last Tycoon and Other Tales of the Jazz Age, 1970

15. William Faulkner, As I Lay Dying, 1967

16. Graham Greene, A Sense of Reality, 1967

17. Shirley Graham, There Was Once a Slavě, 1957 (with P.L.Dorůžka)

18. Dashiell Hammett, The Glass Key, 1963

19. Dashiell Hammett, The Thin Man, 1964

20. Dashiell Hammett, The Red Harvest, 1967

21. Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms, 1958

22. Ernest Hemingway, Stories, 1965

23. Ernest Hemingway, The Green Hills of Aířica, 1965

24. Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast, 1966

25. Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls, 1969

26. Henry James, The Aspern Papers, 1958 (with P.L.Dorůžka)

27. Sinclair Lewis, The Man Wo Knew Coolidge, 1957

28. Sinclair Lewis, Ann Vickers, 1958

29. Sinclair Lewis, Babbitt, 1962

30. Sinclair Lewis, Arrowsmith, 1967

31. Sinclair Lewis, Kingsblood Royal, 1967

32. H.P.Lovecraft, Selected Stories, 1992

33. Bernard Malamud, Idiots First, 1966

34. E.A.Poe, The Five Detective Stories, 1964

35. Ellery Queen, The Halfway House, 1968

36. Budd Schulberg, The Harder They Fall, 1964

37. Alan Sillitoe, Key to the Dooř, 1965

38. Rex Stout, A Right To Die, 1967

39. Rex Stout, Some Buried Caesar, 1967

40. Rex Stout, The League of the Frightened Men, 1969

41. Jesse Stuart, Taps for Private Tussey, 1964

42. Dylan Thomas, Selected Poems, 1958

43. Tennessee Williams, The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, 1966

44. H.P.Lovecraft, Selected Stories(Šepot ve tmě), 199245. Ernest Hemingway, AFarewell to Arms, 1999


Numerouscontributions to many Czech and Slovák literary, film, music and cultural magazines;after 1968 manycontributions to various emigré journals; after 1989 contributions to magazinesboth in Czechoslovakia and abroad.


1. Revue pro banjo (The Banjo Show), 1965. A script featuring Američan folksongs. Director Zdeněk Podskalský.

2.  Vědecké metody poručíka Borůvky (The Scientific Methods of Lieutenant Borůvka) 1967-68. A TV seriál based on the stories The Mournful Demeanor of Ltn. Borůvka. Director Pavel Blumenfeld.

3.  Vražda v zastoupení. (Murder by Proxy) Czech TV Brno. This was a dramatization of the novel I had written with Jan Zábrana. Made in the last year of the existence of the Communist regime, it made me the only exiled writer to háve a film made in Communist Czechoslovakia. The authorities had of course no idea that I was the author.

4.  Hříchy pro pátera Knoxe (Sins for Father Knox). Directed by Dušan Klein. Czech Television, 1992. A ten-part seriál based on my book Sins for Father Knox. I did not write the script

5.  Prima sezóna (The Swell Season). A five-part TV series based on my novel of the samé name. Directed by Karel Kachyňa. Czech Television, 1994.1 did not write the script.

6.  Poe a vražda krásné dívky (Poe and the Murder of a Beautiful Girl). A TV feature film based on Poe’s story „The Mystery of Marie Roget“ and on the actual murder of Mary Rogers. Written by myself, directed by Viktor Polesný. Czech Television, 1996.

7.  Eine kleine Jazzmusik. A TV film based on my short story of the samé name. Directed by Zuzana Zemanová. Czech Television, 1996.1 did not write the script.

8.  Legenda Emóke. A TV film based on my short novel of the samé name. Directed by Vojtěch Štursa. Czech Television, 1997.1 did not write the script.

9.  Malá pražská matahára (The Little Mata Hari of Prague),a TV feature script witten by myself and based on my book The Tenor SaxophonisťsStory. Contract signed, scheduled for 1998 by Czech Television.10.       Případy kanceláře Ostrozrak (The Cases of the OstrozrakDetective Agency); based on three detective
novelsco-written with the latě Jan Zábrana (see WORKS WRITTEN UNDER PSEUDONUM]).Czech
Television, 2000, directedby Karel Smyczek. I didn’t write the script


1. Nápady čtenáře detektivek (Reading Detective Stories), 1967.Based on my book of the samé name. Directedby Václav Táborský. I did not write the script2.Půlnočnídezertéri (Midnight Deserters ), 1972, directed by Zdeněk Smetana. Acartoon film made from my originál script entitled Osudnýžertík). My name was deleted from credits because ofpost-Soviet-ambush-blacklisting..Věry little of my originál script is left, and there is no joke. The film is averitable abortion


1.            Mirákl (DISK, Praha 1992)

2.            Příběh inženýra lidskýchduší (DivadloNa provázku, Brno, 2001)


After 1959, when my novel The Cowards had been banned and I had lost my job as editor of Světová literatura magazíne, I published four novels (three detective novels and one childenťs book) under the name of my friend Jan Zábrana, a poet and translator. We plotted the novels together, and then I wrote them.

1. Vražda pro štěstí (Murder for Luck), Mladá fronta, Prague, 1962 Translations: German (Artia, Prague, 1965)

2.  Vražda se zárukou (Guaranteed Murder), Mladá fronta 1964, 1965; Čs.Spisovatel, 1969

3.  Vražda v zastoupení (Murder by Proxy), Mladá fronta,Prague, 1967; Naše vojsko, Prague 1983; Československý spisovatel, Prague, 1989. Thisnovel contains an acrostic giving the Latin statement „Škvorecký etZábrana fecerunt ioculum“ (read first letter of first word of each consecutivechapter). It was made into a TV featurefilm by TV Brno in 19884.  Táňa a dva pistolníci (Tanya and the Two Gunmen):Svět Sovětů, Prague 1966. Made into a feature film by director Radim Cvrček inthe Gottwaldov Studios in Moravia in 1967. Awarded the Grand Prize at theChildreďs Film Festival in Moscow.



Only articles in languages other than Czech are listed.

1970     – „Czech Fiction Today“, in Novel, a Forum for Fiction, Vol.4, No 1

„The Birth and Death of the Czech New Wave“, in Také One, November 9

1971     – „El escritor y la politica“, in La cultura en Mexico, December 22

1973- „An Eastern European Imagination“, in Mosaic, VI,4, Winnipeg

1974- „leh bin Nicht-Kommunist“, in Europaische Ideen, No.3, West Berlin

1975- „A Professor“, postseript to Václav Černý, Dostoevsky’s Devils, Ardis, Ann Arbor

– „Introduction“ to Bohumil Hrabal, The Death of Mr. Baltisberger, Doubleday, New York

– „A Discovery in Čapek“, in The Armchair Detective, Vol.8, No.3, White Bear Lake, Minnesota

– „Closely Watched Films“, a review of the book by A.J.Liehm, in Také One, No.9

1976     – „At Home in Exile: Czech Writers in the West,“ in Books Abroad, No.2, Norman, Oklahoma

– „The Artisťs Fight For Freedom“, in Problems of Communism, Sept.-Oct, Washington, D.C.

1977- „A Sort of Tribute to K.G.C.“, in The Chesterton Review, Summer, Saskatoon

1978- „Pavel Kohout, The White Book“, a review in World Literatuře Today, Spring, Norman, Oklahoma

– „Laughing to Keep from Crying“, a review of Laughable Loves and The Farewell Party by Milan

Kundera, in Canadian Forum, August, Toronto

1979     – „Some Notes Towards a Psychopathology of Contemporary Czech Prose“ in Index on Censorship, Sep-

tember, London

1980- „Introduction“ to Closely Watched Trains by Bohumil Hrabal, Penguin Books

1981- „Zu Hause in der Fremde“, in Autoren im Exil, by Karl Corino (ed.), Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, West


1982- „Američan Motifs in the Work of Bohumil Hrabal“ in Cross Currents, Ann Arbor, Michigan

1983- „Introduction“ to John Paskevich, A Voiceless Song, Lester Orpen Dennys, National Filmboard of Cana-

da Book, pp. 18-21,Toronto

– „Dlaczego Arlekin“ in Zseszyty literacke 3, transl. A.Kolakowska, Paris

– „Panorama of (Unionized) Czech Writers“ in World Literatuře Today, Vol. 57, No.l, Winter, pp.

50-53, Norman, Oklahoma

– „Talkin‘ Moscow Blues“ a review of Fred Starr, Red and Hot: The Fate of Jazz in the Soviet Union, in

The New Republic, May 9, pp.27-32, Washington, D.C.

– „Prague Winter“, in The Američan Spectator, Vol. 16, No.9, pp.19-23

– „Ein heisses Eisen: Von der psychologischen Gesetzmasigkeit der Ideologien“, in Kontinent, 3/1983,

pp. 37-47

– „Franz Kafka, Jazz, the Antisemitic Reader and Other Marginal Matters“, in Cross Currents, pp.169


– „A Revolution Is Usually The Worst Solution“, in The Writer and Human Rights, Anchor Press/Dou

bleday, New York, pp.l 14-120

– „What Is Repressive Tolerance?“, in The Writer and Human Rights, Anchor Press/Doubleday, New

York, pp. 133-134

1984     – „Living an Orwell Nightmare“, in Toronto Star, January 4, p.A16

– „The Preconditions for 1984“ in Medium II. January 4, Mississauga, pp. 6-7

– „The Fear of Literatuře: Writing in a Statě of Siege“, review of the book by André Brink, in The New Republic, April 30, pp. 29-33, Washington, D.C.

– „City After My Own Heart“ in William Kilbourn, Toronto Remembered, Stoddart Publishing, pp.

287-291, Toronto – „Crveni orkestar“, in Dělo, July, pp. 80-96, Beograd

– „The Exiled Writer and the Christian Principles“ in The Canadian Catholic Review, Vol.2, No.8,


– „Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp.“ in Die zerbrochene Feder, Thiemanns Weltbibliothek, Stuttgart,


– „Hipness atNoon“ in The New Republic, December 17, pp.27-35

– „Why the Harlequin?“ in Cross Currents, 3/1984, pp.259-264

– „Les Canadiens souffrent-ils de naiveté politique?“ inLiberté 156, décembre, pp.3-20, Montreal

– „The Mess of Mother Russia“, in The New Republic, December 31, pp. 30-34

– „A Cabaret of Censorship“, in Index on Censorship, Vol. 13,
No.5, pp.38-41

– „Are Canadians Politically Naivě?“ in Canadian Literatuře, No. 100, pp.287-297

–          „Miloš Forman, Věra Chytilová, Jiří Menzel“ entries in The International Dictionary of Films and
Filmmakers, Vol.II: Directors/Filmmakers, StJames Press, Chicago

1985     – „Czech Mate: Introducing Jaroslav Seifert, Nobel Laureáte“, in The New Republic, February 18, pp.27-32

– „The Home Front: War and Peace in the CBC“,in The Idler,4,pp.25-26, Toronto

– „A Translator Spills the Beans“ in The New York Times Book Review, May 19, pp.l, 34-35

– „On the Scent of Treason“, review of Anthony Hyde, The Red Fox, in The New York Times Book

Review, September 1

–           „Jaroslav Seifert – The Good Drinking Poet“ in Cross Currents, 4/1985,pp. 283-290

– „Natasha amd the Peacemakers“, in The Idler, 6, pp.12-14

– „Czech at the Net“, review of Martina Navrátilová with George Vecsey, Martina, in The New Repub

lic, July 29, pp.-28-30

1986     – „Messengers of Freedom“, review of Mike Zwerin, La Tristesse de Saint Louis: Swing under the Nazis,

and Leo Feigin (ed.), Russian Jazz. New Identity, in The Times Literary Supplement, May 16, p. 534, London

–           „Noise, Fire and Hunger“, review of Vasily Grossman, Life and Fate, in The New York Review of

Books, July 16, pp.46-8

– „The Big Insult“, in Cross Currents, 5, pp.123-135

– „What Was Saved From The Wreckage“, review of Peter Hames, The Czechoslovak New Wave, in

Sight and Sound, Autumn 1986, pp.278-281

–           „Two Peas in a Pod: The Nazis and the Communists Sing the Same Songs“,in The Idler, No.10, pp.


– „Rules for Nazi Music“, in Fifth Estate,Vol.20,No.4/323, p.18

– „Lída Baarová, Jana Brejchová“, entries in The International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers,

Vol.III: Actors and Actresses, St.James Press, Chicago

–          „I Saw Václav Havel for the Last Time“, in Jan Vladislav (ed.) Václav Havel or Living in Truth, Fa

ber and Faber, London, pp.274-277

1987     – „Czechoslovakia“ in World Cinema Since 1945, Ungar, New York, pp.154-169

–          „Franz Kafka, das antisemitische Lesebuch und andere Randbemerkungen“, Oesterreichische Franz

Kafka Gesellschaň, Schriftenreihe Band 2, pp.l-23

–          „Some Problems of the Ethnic Writer in Canada“, in Canadian Literatuře, Supplement No. 1, May


–          „Det oavslutade slutet for Jazzsektionen i det tjeckista musikerforbundet“ in Ingen ?jazznost? in Pra

gue, Charta 77-stiftelsen, Stockholm, pp. 16-21

–          „Huckleberry Finn: Or, Something Exotic in Czechoslovakia“ in The New York Times Book Review,

November 8,pp. 47-48

–           „Prague Winter“ in Orthodoxy, Harper and Row, New York, pp.233-241

– „How I Wrote Dvořák In Love“,in Czech Music in Texas: A Sesquicentennial Symposium, Texas

A&M University, pp.l59-169

1988     – „The Troublemaker“ in The New Republic, March 7, pp.38-39

– „Jamming the Jazz Section“, in The New York Review of Books, June 30, pp.40-42

– „The Gorbachev Prospect: An Exchange with George Kennan“, in The New York Review of Books,

March 17, pp.44-45

– „I Like to Sing Hot: The Fate of Jazz in the Protektorát Boehmen und Maehren“, in Cross Currents, 7,


– „Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp.“,in The Prague Spring:A Mixed Legacy, Freedom House, New York,


1989     – „Light in Darkness“, review of Danilo Kiš, The Encyclopedia of the Dead, in The New Republic, April

10, pp.36-38

– „Two Stories of Jazz in the Heart of Darkness“, in Next Wave: New Music America Journal, Winter


– „Foxtrott im Politbureau“, in Lettre Intemationale, No.7, December, pp.60-62

– „Mit Trommeln und Trompeten“, in Meridian, Marz, pp.90-1

– „Marx Sat In On Rehearsals“, review of Rostislav Dubinski, Stormy Applause, in The New York Ti

mes Book Review, June 25, p.12

– „The Art of Survival: Life With A Star by Jiří Weil“, in The New Republic, September 4, pp.30-34

– „Havel Was Helped by St.Agnes“, in The New York Times, December 8,OP/ED page

– „The Last Soviet Domino“, in The Wall Street Journal, November 9

– „Czechoslovakia: The Last Soviet Domino“, in The Wall Street Journal in Europe, November 23

– „Czech Writers: Politicians in Špite of Themselves“, in The New York Times Book Review, Decem

ber 10, pp. 1, 43-45

– „Czech-Out Time“, in The New Republic, December 25, pp.15-17

– „Czech Communist Collapse No Surprise“, in The Globe and Mail, December, p A7

– „Feminine Mystique: a Story“, in Granta, No. 29, – pp.215-229

– „Ambassador Shirleyka“, in The Idler, July-August,p.65

– „How I Learned German, and Later English“, in Antaeus, Autumn 1989, pp.217-226.

1990 – „In Pursuit of the Great Američan Novel: Jan Novák’s The Willys Dream Kit Comes Awfully Close“, in Bostonia, Jan.Feb., pp.2

– „Stories Outside Stories – The Stories of Arnošt Lustig“, in The World and I, January, pp. 456-459

– „Bohemia of the Soul“, in Daedalus, Winter 1990,pp.l 11-139

– „The Statě of Europe“, in Granta, No.30, pp.127-8

– „The President Wrote Absurdist Plays“, in The World and I, March 19, pp.418-427

– „Czech Writers: Politicians in Špite of Themselves“, in Without Force of Lies, Mercury House, San

Francisco,pp. 1991 – „Detective Stories: Some Notes on Fingerprints“, in Rough Justice,
University of               Toronto Press, pp.231-248

– „Drops of Jazz in My Fiction“, in Black Američan Literatuře Forum, Vol.25, No.3, pp.621-632

– „Consolations from Left Field“, in The Idler, No.34, p.66

1992    – „Feminine Mystique“ in Komet, Almanach der Anderen Bibliothek auf das Jahr 1992, Eichhorn Verlag,


– „Under Toronto“, in Toronto Places, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, ON

– „Poe, Oř Adventures in Literary Science“ (Poe aneb dobrodružství v literární vědě) in Světová litera

tura, XXXVIII, No. 1. pp. 16-39.

1993- „How I Wrote Dvorak in Love“, in Dvořák in America, ed. by John C. Tibbets, Amadeus Press, Portland

1994- „Tenor Sax Sólo from Washington“ in Brick, Speciál 50th Issue, Fall 1994, pp.81-82.

– „Donnernder Fall, wimmernder Fall“ in Kunst und Diktatur, Verlag Grasl, 1994, pp. 755-757)1995

– „Tenor Sax Sólo from Washington“ in Paul Wilson (Ed.) Prague, Whereabout Press, San Francisco,


– „Convergence of Two Worlds“, a review of Rudi Wiebe’s A Discovery ofStrangers, in The Edmon-

ton Journal, May 22, p.E6

– „Title-Page Missing“ in Páper Guitar, Harper Collins, pp.323-331

–           „Saul Bellow“in Salmagundi, Nos 106-7,pp.55-6

1996 – „A magie mountain and a williwy wench“ in Toronto Life, March, pp. 84-88

–           „Does it Really Matter?“ in 2B Journal, No.9-10, Vol. IV. 1996
2000 – Foreword to Jiří Gruša, The Questionnaire, Dalkey Archive Press

„Poe and the Beautiful Segar Girl“ in Warren Chemiak, Martin Swales and Robert Vilain (eds.) The Art of Detective Fiction (St. Martin’s Press, New York, 2000)

2004 – „Trouble With Language“ in Wendy Lesser (ed.) The Genius ofLanguage (Pantheon Books, New York, 2004)


1969     – „Contemporary Czech Cinema“, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, April 25

–           „Contemporary Czech Cinema and Pop Music“, Seattle University, Seattle, WAJune 10

1970     – „Contemporary Czech Literatuře“, Brown University, Providence,RI

–           „Contemporary Czech Pop Music“, Brown University, Providence, RI

– „Contemporary Czech Novel“, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

– „Contemporary Czech Cinema“, The University of Alberta, Edmonton,AB

1971    – „Statě and Culture in Czechoslovakia“, University of Toronto,Toronto, ON, April 24

– „Czech Literatuře and Film“, University of Toronto, Hart House, February 23

– „Statě and Culture in Czechoslovakia“, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, March 2

– „The New Wave in Czech Cinema“, SUNY at Binghamton, NY, April 16

1972    – „Modem Czech Novel“, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, February

– „Some Comments on ?Contemporary Tendencies in East European Cinema? by Drahomíra Liehm“.

Conference on the Cultural Scene in the Soviet Union and East Europe, McMaster University,
Hamil              ton, ON, October 28. Printed in Proceedings of…

1973    – „Američan Literatuře in Czechoslovakia after W.W.II“, University of Indiána, Bloomington, IN, Februa

ry 12

– „The Past and Present of Czechoslovak Literatuře in Canada“, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS,

September 27

– „The Situation of Czech and Slovák Literatures Today“, Plenary Session of the Czechoslovak Society

of Arts and Science in America, Toronto, ON, November 17

1974    – „1968: Reform, Revolution or Counter-Revolution?“, Yale University, March 13

– „A Discovery in Čapek“, Fourth National Convention of the Popular Culture Association of Ameri

ca, Milwaukee,Wl,May 2-4

– „The Normalized Cinema“, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, November

1975    – „How Do We Kill Our Writers?“, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,BC, March 21

1977     – „A Sort of Tribute to G.K.C.“ York University, Toronto. The Chesterton Society Conference, January 28

– „The Normalization of Talent“, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, February

– „East European Cinema“, Memoriál University of Newfoundland, St.John’s, NF, March 4

– „Highlights of Post-1968 Czech Fiction“, Symposium on Contemporary Slavic Literatures, Universi

ty of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, April 14

– „Charter 77: A Personál View“, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, April 19

– „Modern Czech Cinema“, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, November 5

– „The Dissident Writer“, La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy, December 4

1978     – „Some Notes Towards a Psychopathology of Contemporary Czech Fiction“, International Conference on

Fiction and Drama in Eastern Europe, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, March 31

1979     – „The Film Art of a Czech Emigré: The Work of Miloš Forman“,Conference on Aspects of East European

Experience in America. The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, May 4

– „The East European Emigré as Writer“, Conference on Aspects of the East European Experience in
America. The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, May 5

1980- „Literatuře in Exile“, The AAASS Convention, Philadelphia,PA, November 7th

1981- „Američan Motives in Contemporary Czech Literatuře: The Work of Bohumil Hrabal“, Cross Currents,

A Festival of Arts and Humanities, Center for Russian and East European Studies, University
of Mi              chigan, Ann Arbor,MI, March 24

1982     – „Američan Motives in the Work of Bohumil Hrabal“, Convention of the North-East Modern Language

Association at Hunter College-CUNY, April 4 . – „Czech Fiction: The Fruitful Tradition“, Department of Russian, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Ap ril20

– „Why the Harlequin?“, Conference of the Canadian Learned Societies, Ottawa, June 7

–   „Contemporary Czech Theatre“, The School of Drama, University of New South Wales, Sydney, July 28

–   „Contemporary Czech Cinema“, Department of Generál Studies, University of New South Wales,

Sydney, July 28

– „Socialist Realism in Czech Theatre“, Department of English, Monash University, Melbourne, Au

gust 4

– „Some Observations on the Intricacies of Adapting Fiction for the Screen“. Lecture at the Annual Se-

minář of the English Association of McMaster University on „Canadian Fiction and the Art of
Film“,              Hamilton, ON, November 4

1983     – „The Statě of Literatuře in Czechoslovakia“, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS February 10

–   „The History of Closely Watched Trains“, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, March 3

–   „Contemporary Czech Cinema“, Centre for the Arts, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC,

March 4

– „Czech Drama in the Fifties and Sixties“, Centre for the Arts, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver,

BC, March 4

– „Franz Kafka, Jazz, The Antisemitic Reader and Other Marginal Matters“, Kafka Symposium, Uni

versity of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, March 7

1984     – „Freedom as ComprehendedNecessity“, Kenyon College, January 25

– „The Exiled Writer and Christian Principles“, University of St.Jerome’s College, Waterloo, ON, Fe

bruary 8

– „The Unpopular Popular Literatuře“, Keynote Address at the Fourteenth Annual Convention of the

Popular Culture Association, Toronto, ON, March 30

– „Some Problems of the Ethnic Writer in Canada“, Keynote Address to the Conference on Literatuře

and Ethnicity, Ottawa, ON, May 5

– Roundtable on Censorship, Midwest Slavic Conference, The Ohio Statě University, Columbus, OH,

May 4

–   „Czech Film Today and in the Past“, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, May 19

–   „Contemporary Czech Film“,The Martin Walsh Lecture, University of Toronto, June 7

–   „Censorship in Czechoslovakia“, They Shoot Writers, Don’t They: Amnesty International Conferen

ce,ICA,London,June 6

–   „Jazz in Czechoslovakia“, Ottawa Jazz Festival, Ottawa, ON, July 8

–   „The Affair of the Jazz Section of the Czech Musician’s Union and Related Matters“, Cornell Univer

šity, Ithaca,NY, October 4

– „Czech Literatuře Today“, University of Texas, Austin, TX, October 11

1985     – „Jaroslav Seifert, the First Czech Nobel Laureáte“, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, January 20

– „Post-Marxist Centrál Europe: The Struggle for Cultural Survival“. Panel discussion (Czeslav Milosz,

Josip Brodsky, Stanislaw Baranczak, Josef Škvorecký), páper: „Czech Literatuře Since 1945“.
The                 University of Michigan, February 8

–   „The Holocaust of the Czech Cinema“, Davidson College, NC, February 18

–   „The Czechoslovak Governmenťs Witchhunt Against Rock in 1983-84“, Indiána University of Penn

sylvania, February 19

–   „The Holocaust of the Czech Cinema“, The Indiána University of Pennsylvania, February 20

–   „The Unpopular Popular Literatuře in Czechoslovakia“, The Indiána University of Pennsylvania, Fe

bruary 20

– „Czech Literatuře After the Soviet Invasion of 1968“, The Indiána University of Pennsylvania, Febru

ary 20

– „Popular Culture in Soviet-Dominated Czechoslovakia“, Wright Statě University, Dayton, OH, Fe

bruary 22

– „The Governmenťs Fight Against the Free Development of Culture in Czechoslovakia“. Panel Dis

cussion, University of Detroit, February 23

– „Czech Literatuře After the Soviet Invasion“, The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America,

Detroit, MI, February 23

–   „The Holocaust of the Czech Cinema“, Northwestern University, Ewanston, IL, February 24

–   „Literatuře and the Censor in Czechoslovakia“, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, February


– „The Czechoslovak Governmenťs Witchhunt Against Rock Music 1983-84“, Tennessee Technologi-

cal University, TN,February 27

– „Czech Literatuře After the Soviet Invasion of 1968“, Tennessee Technological University, TN, Fe

bruary 28

– „Human Rights Violations Against Czech Writers“, The Helsinki Accord Conference, Ottawa, ON,

May 17

–   „The Čase of Jaroslav Seifert“, The Canadian Learned Societies Conference, Montreal, PQ, June 3

–   „Writing to Further Understanding and Communication in the Modern World“, October International

Meeting of Writers, Beograd, Yugoslavia, October 22

1986     – „The Big Insult“, Conference on Centrál Europe, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, January 21

– „Fingerprints – a Canadian Detective Stories Anthology“, Law School, University of Toronto Semi

nar, January 14

– „How I Wrote Dvořák In Love“, Czech Music in Texas: A Sesquicentennial Symposium“,Texas
A&M University, Brian, November

1988 – „Czech Fiction Since the Ambush“, The Wheatland International Conference on Literatuře, Lisbon, Por

tugal, May 4 1990 – „Reception: An Authorial Experience“, The 4th World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies,

Harrogate, England, 21 July

1993 – „…in the lonesome October“, theHumber College CreativeWriting Workshop, Humber College, Toronto 1997 – „Američan Motifs in the Works ofBohumil Hrabal“, Collegium Budapest, Budapest, June 5.


1.    Zbabělci (The Cowards): Čs.Spisovatel, Prague 1958, 1964, 1966; Naše vojsko, Prague; 1968, Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., 1972; Odeon, Prague, 1991 (Vol. I., Collected Works); Lidové niviny, Česká knižnice (a critical edition with commentaries), Prague 1998; Lidové noviny, Světová Literatura, Prague, 2005;

Translations: 1. Denmark (Hasselbach, 1967)

2.  Yugoslavia (Prosveta, 1967)

3.  Hungary (Tatran, 1968)

4.  Federal Rep. of Germany (Luchterhand, 1968)

5.  Italy (Rizzoli, 1969)

6.  U.S.A. (Grove Press, 1970; páper 1971)

7.  GreatBritain (Gollancz, 1970)

8.  Poland (Slask, 1970)

9. Great Britain (Penguin Modern Classics, 1972)

10.France (Gallimard, 1978)

11.Canada (Panguin Canada, 1980)

12.U.S.A. (Ecco Press, 1980)

13.Federal Rep. of Germany (Greno, 1986)

14.  Great Britain (King Penguin, 1986)

15.  Spain (Alianza Třes, 1990)

16.  Holland (Ambo, 1992)2.

17.  Germany (Eichborn, 1993)

18.  Great Britain (Faber & Faber, 1994)

19.  Canada (Vintage, Random, 1995)

20.  Hungary (Európa Konivkiadó, 1998)

21.  Germany (Deuticke, 2000)

2. Konec nylonového věku (End of the Nylon Age): banned by censors, 1956; Čs.Spisovatel, Prague, 1967,
Odeon, Prague, 1991 (Volume I., Collected Works), Ivo Železný, 1998,

Translations: 1. German Democratic Republic (Volk und Welt, 1969 – banned)

2. Russia (EKSMO, Moscow 2004) Contains also the short story Collecton The Menorah and the novellas Emoke and The Bass Saxophone

3. Lvíče (Miss Silveťs Past): Čs.Spisovatel, Prague, 1969, 1970 (this edition was confiscated), Sixty-Eight
Publishers,Corp. 1974; Železný, Praha, 1996 (Volume V., Collected Works)

Translations: 1. Federal Rep. of Germany (Luchterhand, 1971)

2.  Italy (Garzanti, 1971)

3.  France (Gallimard, 1972)

4.  Yugoslavia (Založba Obzorja,Slovenian ed., 1973)

5.  Yugoslavia (Stvarnost, Chroatian ed., 1973)

6.  Spain (Dopesa, 1973)

7.  U.S.A. (Grove Press, 1975)

8.  Great Britain (The Bodley Head, 1976)

9.  Sweden (Norstedt, 1978)

10.Great Britain (Picador, 1980)

11.Holland (Bert Bakker, 1983)

12.U.S.A. (EccoPress, 1985)

13.Federal Rep. of Germany (Rowohlt, 1986)

14.Israel (Am Oved, 1988)

15.Spain(Circe, 1990)

16.Poland (Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy,1992)

17.Canada (Vintage.Random, 1995)

18.Great Britain (Vintage, 1995)

19.Hungary (Európa Konivkiadó, 1999)

20.Russia (MIK, 2006)

4. Tankový prapor (The Tank Battalion; translated into English as The Republic of Whores): Čs.Spisovatel, Prague 1969 (this edition was confiscated); Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., 1971, 1972, 1980; Galaxie, Prague 1990; Kma, Prague, 2005 Translations: 1. France (Gallimard, 1969; páper 1984)

2.  Yugoslavia (Znanje, Chroatian ed., 1972, 1986)

3.  Denmark (Samlerens Forlag, 1973: Danish Book Club Choice)

4.  Canada (Knopf Canada, 1993)

5.  England (Faber & Faber, 1994)

6.  U.S.A. (Ecco Press, 1994)

7.  Hungary (Európa Konivkiadó, 1997)

8.  Brasil (Editoria Record, 1999)

9.  Poland (Pogranicze Sejnz 2004)

Excerpts in:

1. Federal Rep. of Germany (chapter „Die Nacht im Garnisongefangniss“ in Pavel Kohout, Mein Lesebuch, Fischer Verlag,1983)

2.  Canada (chapter „Fučík Medal Exams“ in Erindale Review, 1985)

3.Holland (chapter „Een les in katholicisme“ in anthology Tsjecjoslowakije: Verhalen van deze ti jd, Muellenhof, Amsterdam, 1989) 4. Russia (In Sumnoe Odinočestvo, MZV Praha)

Mirákl (The Miracle Game): Sixty-Eight Publishers,Corp.,Toronto, 1972, 1977; Atlantis, Brno,1991; Ivo Železný, Praha 1998, Vol. 8 Collected Works;

Translations: 1. France (Gallimard, 1978)

2.  Canada (Lester Orpen Dennys, 1990)

3.  Great Britain (Faber and Faber, 1991)

4.  Yugoslavia (Graficky závod Hrvatske, 1988)

5.  U.S.A. (Knopf, 1991)

6.  Great Britain (Faber and Faber, 1992, paperback)

7.  U.S.A. (Norton, 1992)

8.  Canada (Harper Collins, 1992)

9.  Hungary (Európa, 1993)

10.   Germany (Deuticke, 2001)

11.   Canada (Key Porter, 2002)

12.   Hungary (Magyar Konyvklub, 2003)

Excerpts in:

1. U.S.A. (Chapter „Middle-Aged Men on their Flying Trapezes“, in Formations, vol.l, no.l, 1984, pp. 91-107)

2. Great Britain („Miracles“, in Granta, vol.13,1984,pp.21-48)

6. Prima sezóna (The Swell Season): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp.,Toronto, 1975; Dialog, Franfurt/M., 1984; Galaxie,Praha, 1990; Odeon, Praha (Vol.l. ,Collected Works. 1991) Translations: 1. Canada (Lester Orpen Dennys, 1982)

2.  Great Britain (Chatto and Windus, 1983)

3.  U.S.A. (Ecco Press, 1986)

4.  Canada (Collins, 1985)

5.  Norway (Tiden Norsk Forlag, 1987)

6.  Yugoslavia (Mladost, 1986)

7.  Great Britain (Picador, 1989)

8.  Canada (Calliope du Roseau, 1991 – French)

9.  Canada (Harper Perennial, 1991)

10.Great Britain (Faber & Faber, 1994)

11.Spain (CirceEdiciones,1991)

12.Slovenia (Založba, 1993)

13.Roumania (Editura Atlantis,1993

14.Great Britain (Vintage, 1994)

15.Germany (Deuticke, 1997)

16.Germany (Piper paperback, 1999)

17.Canada (Key Porter Books, 1999)

18.     Poland (Twój STYL,1999)

19.     China (Taiwan, New Sprouts ,2001)

20.     China (Mainland, Chongqoing Publishing House, contract signed, scheduled for 2006)

Individual stories in:

1. Canada (Canadian Fiction Magazíne, Nov.1980, story „Oh, Maytime Witch!“

2.  Canada (CFM Anthology,1981, story: „A Family Hotel“)

3.  U.S.A. (Cross Currents, 1982, story: „Sad Autumn Blues“)

4.  Canada (Best Canadian Short Stories,1982, story „A Family Hotel“

5.  Canada (Exile,vol.9, no.l, story „Oh, Maytime Witch“)

6.  France (Le saxophone basse, Gallimard, 1983, story „Une sorciere du mois du mai“)

7. Konec poručíka Borůvky (The End of Lieutenant Borůvka): Sixty-Eight Publishers,Corp.„ Toronto, 1975
Translations: 1. Canada (Lester Orpen Dennys, 1989)

2.  U.S.A. (Norton, 1990)

3.  Great Britain (Faber and Faber, 1990)

4.  Denmark (KLÍM, 1991)

5.  Poland (Przedswit, 1992)

6.  Roumania (Editura militara, 1992)

7.  Canada (Key Porter)

Individual stories in :

1. Canada („Strange Archeology“ in Beverly Bentham-Endersby (eds.) Fingerprints, Irwin Publishing, Toronto, 1984, pp. 131-166)

2. Canada („The Pirates“ in Descant, 1986)

8. Příběh inženýra lidských duší (The Engineer of Human Souls): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto,
1977,1989; Atlantis, Brno 1992; Ivo Železný, Praha (Vol.16 & 17 Collected Works)

Translations: 1. Canada (Lester Orpen Dennys, 1984)

2.  U.S.A. (Knopf, 1984)

3.  Great Britain (Charto and Windus, 1985)

4.  U.S.A. (Washington Square Paperback, 1985)

5.  Canada (Collins Paperbacks, 1985)

6.  Sweden (Bromberg, 1986)

7.  Great Britain (Picador Paperbacks, 1986)

8.  Finland (Otava Publishers, 1989)

9.  Brasil (Distribuidora Record de Servicos de Imprensa, contract signed 1999)

10.Holland (BertBekker, 1989)

11.Spain (Circe, 1989)

12.Portugal (Publicaoes Dom Quixote,1990)

13.Canada (Key Porter Books, 1993)

14.Great Britain (Vintage, 1994)

15.Germany (Deuticke, 1998)

16.U.S.A. (Dalkey Archive Press, 1999

17.Italy (Contract signed 20

18.Israel (HaKibbutz Hameuchad, 1992)

19. Canada (Key Porter, 2007)

Excerpts in:

1. France (Gallimard, in Le saxophone basse, 1983, chapter „Un manuscript en contrabande“)

9.        Návrat poručíka Borůvky (The Return of Lieutenant Borůvka): Sixty Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto, 1980
Translations: 1. Yugoslavia (Mladinska knjiga, 1986)

2.  Canada (Lester Orpen Dennys, 1991)

3.  U.S.A. (Norton, 1991)

4.  Great Britain (Faber and Faber, 1990)

5.  Great Britain (Faber and Faber, 1991,paperback)

6.  Poland (Przedswit, 1992)

7.  Colombia (Editorial Norma, 1997)

10.        Scherzo capriccioso (Dvorak In Love): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto 1984; Odeon, Prague 1991;
Kma, Prague, 2005

Translations : 1. Canada (Lester Orpen Dennys, 1986)

2.  U.S.A. (Knopf, 1986)

3.  Great Britain (Chatto and Windus, 1986)

4.  Canada (Totem Books, 1987)

5.  U.S.A. (Norton, 1988)

6.  Holland (Ambo, 1990)

7.  Canada (HarperPerennial,1991)

8.  Chroatia (Matica hrvatska, 2000)

Excerpts in:

1.  Great Britain (Index on Censorship Anniversary Issue, 1981, one chapter)

2.  Canada (Scat, Spring,1984: „The Master’s Floozie“)

11.        Nevěsta z Texasu (The Bride From Texas): Sixty-Eight Publishers,Corp., Toronto, 1992; Naše vojsko,
Prague 1993

Translations: l.Canada (Knopf Canada, 1995) 2.U.S.A. (Knopf, 1996) 3.Great Britain (Faber & Faber, 1996) 4. Canada (Knopf Canada, paperback, 1996)

12.        Two Murders in My Double Life (Dvě vraždy v mém dvojím životě): Key Porter Books, Toronto, 1999
Translations and Other English Editions:

1. Czech Republic (Ivo Železný, 1996) Volume 6, Collected Works,

2.  U.S.A. (Farrar,Straus & Giroux, 2001)

3.     France (Anatolia, Editions du Rocher, 2001)

4.     Poland (Tvój STYL,2000)

5.     Brasil   (Editora Record, 2002)

6.     Russia (Inostranaya Literatura, 3/2005)

7. Israel (Kinneret,Zmora-Bitan,Dvir-Publishing House Ltd., 2004)

13.        Nevysvětlitelný příběh aneb Vyprávění Questa Firma Sicula (An Inexplicable Story or the Narrative of
Questus Firmus Siculus): Ivo Železný 1998, Volume 11 Collected Works,

Translations:      1. Canada (Key Porter Books, 2002)

2. Russia (ACT, 2007)

14.       Krátké setkání, s vraždou with Zdena Salivarová (Brief Encounter, With Murder): Ivo Železný, 1999

15. Setkání po letech, s vraždou with Zdena Salivarová (Encounter After Many Years, With Murder( Ivo Železný, 2001)

16. Setkání na konci éry, s vraždou with Zdena Salivarová (Encounter at the End of an Era, With Murder) Ivo Železný, 2001)

17.     Pulchra, příběh o krásné planetě (Pulchra, the Story of a beautiful Planet, Petrov, Brno 2003)

18.     Sekání v Bílé dámě, s vraždou with Zdena Salivarová (Encounter in the White Lady, With Murder, Ivo Železný, 2003)

19.     Setkání v Praze, s vraždou with Zdena Salivarová (Encounter in Prague, With Murder, Ivo Železný, 2004)

20.     Obyčejné životy (Ordinary Lives, Ivo Železný, 2004)


1) Canada (Key Porter Books, 2008)21.Setkání v Torontu, svraždou (Liteármí Akademie, 2007)


1. The New Men And Women (CBC Rádio, 1877)

Translations : Germany (Suddeutscher Rundfunk, 1977; Deutschlansender, 1978; and several other German stations. Nominated „Play of the Month“ by the German Academy of Arts, June 1978; the play was written in English)

2. Bůh do domu (God in Your Home): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp.,Toronto, 1980 ; produced by New Czech
Theatre, Toronto, 1980.Awarded First Prize at theMulticultural Theatre Festival in Hamilton, ON, 1980. Taped for Czech TV Kitchener, ON 1980.


Miss Rosie: Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto, 1986.A selection of fictitious letters by a Czech housemaid in Chicago, writtenby Bartoš Bittner and printed in the humorous weekly Šotek in Chicago in the1890’s. With an Introduction by theEditor. Made into a Rádio Play by Czech Rádio, 1996.Swing na malém městě (Swing in a Small Town)with Boris Mědílek, eds. (Ivo Železný, 2002) – Story of the amateur swingband Orchestr Miloslava Zachovalaunder the Nazis.


These were regular monthly talks on books published in the U.S.A., in Canada and in Great Britain. They spán the years 1973-1990

1. Greene: A Sort of Life

2.  Hersey: Conspiracy

3.  Roth: The Breast

4.  Levin: The Stepford Wives

5.  Moore: Catholics

6.  Styron: The Confession of Nat Turner

7.  Greene: The Virtue of Disloyalty

8.  Shaw: Evening in Byzantium

9.  Ginsberg: The Fall of America

10. Amis: Girl 20

11. Hellman: Pentimento

12. Greene: The Honoráry Consul

13. Stout: Please, Pass the Guilt

14. Malamud: Rembrandťs Hat

15. In Memoriam Harold Sonny Ladoo

16. Maclnnes: The Snare of the Hunter

17. Carben: The Diary of a Catholic Bishop

18. Fogel-Engerman: Time on the Cross

19. Buber-Neumann: Mistress to Kafka

20. Mencken: The Američan Language

21. In Memoriam Joseph Conrad

22. Forster: Two Cheers for Democracy

23. Swados: Celebration

24. Rosenberg: The Seventh Hero

25. Science Fiction and H.P.Lovecraft

26. Koestler: The Roots of Coincidence

27. Himes: For Love of Imabelle

28. Hammett: The Continental Op

29. Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter Today

30. Cooper: The Crater and The Ways of the Hour

31. Percy: The Moviegoer

32. Newman: The Russian Novel

33. Christie: Curtain

34. Heller: Something Happened

35. Murray: Train Whistle Guitar

36. Berger: Sneaky People

37. Doctorow: Ragtime

38. Stout: A Family Affair

39. Feuer: Ideology and the Ideologists

40. Bellow: Humboldťs Gift

41. Liehm: The Miloš Forman Stories

42. Feuer: Marx and the Intellectuals

43. Karbusický: Lied in der Ideologie – Ideologie im Lied

44. MacShane: The Life of Raymond Chandler

45. Walsh: Poe the Detective

46. Dardis: Some Time in the Sun

47. Hellman: Scoundrel Time

48. Wilson: The Craft of the Novel

49. Bellow: To Jerusalem and Back

50. Goloner-Turner: The Making of King Kong

51. How Do Czechs Speak in America?

52. Christie: Sleeping Murder

53. Reynolds: Hemingway’s First War

54. Enfield: Leni Riefenstahl

55. Tracing Poe in Charlottesville

56. Barzun: The Use and Abuse of Art

57. In Memoriam James Jones

58. Wright: Američan Hunger

59. Mark Twain in Bohemia: Marienbad, a Health Factory

60. T.G.Masaryk on Američan Literatuře

61. Porter: The Never-Ending Wrong

62. Stoppard: Professional Foul

63. The Venice Biennale

64. Trains: Remarkable Names of Reál People

65. Carpenter: A Loving Gentleman

66. Engel: Bear

67. Gornick: The Romance of Američan Communism

68. Greene: The Human Factor

69. Rudolph: Wilma

70. Christie: Autobiography

71. Cerf: AtRandom

72. Kazin: New York Jew

73. McFadden: The Seriál

74. Jastrow: God and the Astronomers

75. Burnham: The Machiavellians

76. Američan University Libraries

77. Burgess: 1985

78. Lévy: Barbarism with a Human Face

79. Yanov: The Russian New Right

80. Stoppard: Night and Day

81. Američan Writers and the Hitler-Stalin Pact:40th Anniversary

82. Malamud: Dubin’s Lives

83. Updike: The Coup

84. Heller: Good as Gold

85. Styron: Sophie’s Choice

86. Roth: The Ghost Writer

87. Suvin: Metamorphoses of Science Fiction

88. Shostakovich: Testimony

89. Apocalypse Now and its Source: Conraďs Heart of Darkness

90. Dakota Czechs

91. Le Carré: Smiley’s People

92. Greene: Doctor Fisher of Geneva or the Bomb Party

93. Stankiewitz: The Silenced Theatre: Czech Playwrights Without a Stage

94. Solzhenitsin: The Oak and the Calf

95. Kolakowski: Main Currents in Marxism

96. Greene: Ways of Escape

97. Amis: Russian Hide and Seek

98. Amiel: Confessions

99. Alter: The Američan Political Novel

100.Brackman: A Delicate Arrangement

101.Feifer: Moscow Farewell

102.Novák: Bohemian Heaven – an Off-Broadway Production

103.Klimesh: Spillville, a Czech-Američan Farming Village

104.Lyon: Bertolt Brecht in America

105.Milosz: Native Realm

106.Čermák: Dějiny občanské války s připojením zkušeností českých vojínů

107.Weis : The Assassination of Mozart

108.Helping Czech Books in the West

109.Miller: The Kaleidoscopic Lens: How Hollywood Views Ethnic Groups

110.Gordon: The Company of Women

111.Galbraith: Life in Our Times

112.Morava: Exilová léta K.H.Borovského

113.Koestler: Janus

114.Hollander: Political Pilgrims

115.Bellow: Dean’s December

116.Winks: Modus Operandi

117.Littel: The Amateur

118.Ludlum: The Parsifal Mosaic

119.Greene: Monsignor Quixote

120.Feuer: The Čase of the „Darwin-Marx“ Letter

121.Stanley: TheNew Evolutionary Timetable

122.Sennett: The Frog Who Dared To Croak

123.Jubilee Talk: Tenth Anniversary of J.Š. on the Voice of America: Czechoslovak Jazzmen-and-Women inAmeričan Jazz

124.Levý: EzraPound: The Voice of Silence

125.Kristol: Two Cheers for Capitalism

126.Starr: Red and Hot: the Fate of Jazz in the Soviet Union 1917-1980

127.Larsen (ed.). Who Were the Fascists? and Hamilton: Who Voted for Hitler?

128.Czech Bands of the Midwest

129.Lem: His Masteťs Voice

130.Epstein: How Good Is Gabriel Garcia Marquéz?

131.Fiedler: What Was Literatuře?

132.Mailer: Ancient Evenings

133.Johnson: Modem Times

134.Feuer: The Čase of the Revolutionisťs Daughter

135.Kiernen: Američan Writing Since 1945

136.Orwell 1984 – George Orwell’s Year

137.Dovlatov: The Compromise

138.Bradbury: Rates of Exchange

139.Allain: The Other Man

140.Brink: Writing in a Statě of Siege

141.Johnson: Marxism vs. the Jews

142.Great Books We Nevěr Finished Reading

143.Land: The Art of Literary Mayhem

144.Aksyonov: The Burn

145.Orwell in the U.S.S.R.

146.Miller: The Archbishop’s Ceiling

147.Heller: Report on the Shroud of Turin

148.Nineteenth Century Czech Stories about the Američan Civil War

149.Heym: The Wandering Jew

150.Jaroslav Seifert, Nobel Laureáte

151.Česko-americká literatuře o americké občanské válce

152.Greene: The Tenth Man

153.Ginsberg: Collected Poems 1947-1980

154.Navrátilová: Martina

155.Roth: Zuckerman Bound

156.Alexeyeva: Soviet Dissent, Shanor: Behind the Lineš, Bloch and Reddaway: Soviet Psychiatrie Abuse

157.Lessing: The Good Terrorist

158.Amis: Stanley and the Women

159.Shaara: The Killer Angels

160.The Twentieth International October Meeting of Writers in Belgrade

161.East vs.West in Lithuania: Rising Tempers at a Writers‘ Meeting

162.Hames: The Czechoslovak New Wave

163.Zwerin: La Tristesse de Saint Louis; Feigin: Russian Jazz-New Identity

164.Grossman: Life and Fate

165.Atwood: The Handmaiďs Tale

166.Podhoretz: The Bloody Crossroads

167.Clark: The Soviet Novel

168.Conquest: The Harvest of Sorrow

169.Roth: Counterlife

170.Symposium of Czech Music in Texas

171.Oates: The Worlďs Worst Critics

172.The Toronto Production of a Jazz Opera Based on The Bass Saxophone

173.Gluck: George Lukács and His Generation

174.Feuer: Imperialism and the Anti-Imperialist Mind

175.Amis: The Old Devils

176.Bloom: The Closing of the Američan Mind


178.Harászti: The Velvet Prison

179.Moore: The Color of Blood

180.Wolfe: The Bonfire of Vanities

181.Collier: Duke Ellington

182.The Wheatland Conference

183.Dziak: Chekhisty

184.Xianliang: Haif of Man Is Woman

185.Vassiltchikov: The Berlin Diaries

186.Iannone: Feminism vs. Literatuře

187.Greene: The Captain and the Enemy

188.Andreyev: Vlasov and the Russian Liberation Movement

189.Roth: The Facts

190.Johnson: Intellectuals I.

191.Johnson: Intellectuals II.

192.Johnson: Intellectuals III.

193.Duberman: Paul Robeson

194.Bellow: Theft

195.Schama: Citizens

196.Read: A Season in the West

197.Wilson-Ferris (eds.): Encyclopedia of Southern Culture

198.Chandler-Parker: Poodle Springs

199.Wolfe: Stalking the Billion-Footed Beast

200.200th Talk

201.Response to Wolfe’s „Stalking a Billion-Footed Beast“

202.Miller: Timebends

203.Weil: Life With a Star

204.Going Home

205.Kaplan: Report on the Murder of the Generál Secretary

206.Chalton-Mark (eds.): The Writeťs Home Companion

207.Henderson (ed.): Rotten Reviews

208.Ash: The Magie Lantern

209.Amis: The Folks that Live on the Hill210. Finál Talk


1. Volume One. Contains:

The Swell Season, The Cowards, The End of the Nylon Age. Odeon Publishers, 1991

2. Volume Two. Contains:

The Inferiority Complex, Vague Contours, The Age of Nylon, Three Tales and an Epilogue of Líz and the Young Werther, The Tenor Saxophonisťs Stories, The End of Bull Mácha, Pink Champagne, Song of the Forgotten Years, The Bass Saxophone. Ivo Železný, Publisher, 1994

3. Volume Three. Contains:

The New Canterbury Tales, The Menorah, The Legend of Emoke, Ivo Železný, 1996

4. Volume Four. Contains:

Eva Was Naked, How I Learned German and Later English, The Beginning of My Literary Career, The Three Young Men in a Fiery Furnace,A Babylonian Story, The Viewer in the February Night, The Road to the Studios, A Literary Bargain, Sam Writes a Review, Conversations with Oktiabrina, Even     Old Egyptians, The Smile of a Pennsylvania Night, A Lecture on an Oceán Liner, Oh, My Papá!, Feminine Mystique, Headed for the Blues. Ivo Železný, 1996.

5. Volume Five. Contains:

Miss Silveťs Past. Ivo Železný, 1996.

6. Volume Six. Contains:

Two Murders in My Double-Life. Ivo Železný, 1996

7. Volume Seven. Contains:

The Story of the Unsuccessful Tenor Saxophonist; Samožerbuch (The Autofestschrift). Ivo Železný, 1997.

8. Volume Eight. Contains:

The Miracle Game. Ivo Železný, 1997.

9. Volume Nině. Contains:

Does Realism Threaten the Detective Story?; Ideas of a Detective Stories Reader;

A Discovery in Čapek; Poe, or an Adventure in the Literary Science. Ivo Železný, 1998.

10.       Volume Ten. Contains:

The Republic of Whores (Tankový prapor). Ivo Železný, 1998.

11.       Volume Eleven.Contains:

An Inexplicable Story or The Narraive of Questus Firmus Siculus. Ivo Železný, 1998

12.       Volume Twelve. Contains

…there’s no Remedy for this Pain (…na tuhle bolest nejsou prášky) A selection of my poetry, edited by Michael Přibáň. Ivo Železný, 1999.

13.       Volume Thirteen. Contains:

A Brief Encounter, With Murder (Krátké setkání, s vraždou). Co-athor: Zdena Salivarová. Ivo Železný, 1999

14.       Volume Fourteen. Contains:

The Strange Gentleman from Providence and Other Essays (Podivný pán z Providence a jiné eseje): They – That Is Us (see p.9 – essys on Američan Literatuře), The Relativity of World-Fame (on Karel Poláček), Working Overtime(see p.10, essays on establihsment Czech Literatuře during post-Soviet-in vasion of Czechoslovakia) Ivo Železný, 1999.

15. Volume Fifteen. Contains:

The Engineer of Human Souls, Part I. Ivo Železný, 2000.

16.  Volume Sixteen. Contains:

The Engineer of Human Souls, Part II. Ivo Železný, 2000.

17.       Volume Seventeen. Contains:

Encounter After Many Years, With Murder. Co-author Zdena Salivarová.Ivo Železný, 2001.

18.       Volume Eighteen. Contains:

A Tall Tale About America, and a Small about Canada. Ivo Železný, 2001

19.       Volume Nineteen. Contains:

Encounter at the End of an Era, With Murder. Co-author Zdena Salivarová. Ivo Železný, 2001)

20. Volume Twenty. Contains:

Encounter in the White Lady, With Murder. Co-author Zdena Salivarová. Ivo Železný, 2003

21.        Volume Twenty One. Contains:

Between Two Worlds and Other Essays (Gleb Grigorievitch Bielochvostov and I; Some Normalized Cultural Achievments; Pantra Rei?; I’d Rather Write this Novel…; A Little Remark Concerning Prose; Red Music; Friends I.; Between Two Worlds; I Don’t Like to Write to Friends; Dvorak in America; Američan Influence in the works of Bohumil Hrabal; Moscow Blues; Franz Kafka, Jazz, The Antisemitic Reader and Other Marginal Matters; Why the Harlequin? The Leak; How Our Ancestors in America Lived and Thought; Why Do They Prefer South Americans?) Ivo Železný, 2004

22.        Volume Twenty Two. Contains:

I Like to Sing fřom Sheet Music and Other Essays. (Jaroslav Seifert, the Poet or in the Parlando of Prague Papalashi The Seifert čase?; Preventing Another Danger That Our Mother Tongue Might Be Violated by Progressive Prague; A Salute to Mark Twain; One Week Haif Way in the Old Country; To Wite as to Find Mutual Understanding and Communication in the Modern World; No More Worries about the Dictionary; Some Remarks Concerning the Kundera Paradoxes by Milan Jungmann; A Confession of a Writer of this Era; I Like to Sing from Sheet Music, or The Fate of Jazz in the Protectorate Boehmen and Maehren; Strange Events in Lisbon; A Visit to Greenland; The Just Man in Prague; How We Wrote the History of Czechoslovakia With Honza Zabraná; Authors, Critics, Reviewers; East European Literatuře in Transition; My Stage Works; Title Page Missing; Friends II.) Ivo Železný, 2004

23.        Volume Twenty Three. Contains:

The Life of Czech Society. Short stories. Ivo Železný, 2004

24.        Volume Twenty Four. Contains:

Encounter in Prague, With Murder. Co-author Zdena Salivarová, Ivo Železný, 2004

25.        Volume Twenty Five. Contains:

Ordinary Lives, A novel. Ivo Železný, 2004

26.        Volume Twenty Six. Contains:

Encounter in Toronto, With Murder. Co-author Zdena Salivarová. Literární Akademie, 2007

27.        Volume Twenty Seven. Contains:

Nataša, pícníci a jiné eseje. Literární Akademie, 2007 (Text in čase I fall out the window or get killed in a car crash; Not a review but rather a praise through an exchange of opinions; A risky subject; Revolution is usually the worst solution; Prague winter; One day in the life of Květoslav Prsk; Are Canadians politically naivě?; Concerto to end all concertos; Homefront,

War, Peace and the CBC, oř Wie sich die Welt der kleine Moritz vorstellt; Natasha and the Peaceniks).

28.        Volume Twenty Eight. Contains:

Zločin v šantánu a jiné filmové povídky a scénáře. Literární Akademie, 2007 (Crime at a Girls‘ School; Ireně in Multiple Acceleration; Crime in a Night Club; End of a Priest; The Cowards]

29.        Volume Twenty Nině. Contains:

The Mournful Demeanor of Lieutenant Borůvka. Literární akademie 2007

30. Volume Thirty. Contains:Timeo Danaos a jiné eseje.Literární Akademie, 2007.(Carnival of Writers in New York; They Haven’t Melted in the Pot;Timeo Danaos; The Čase of the Jazz Section; Was the Year 1968 Possible?; A Feuelleton ofthis Spring; Independence, Freedom; Seen from a Great Distance; The Adventureof Američan Feminism; The Accused; Primus inter pares?)


1. Nápady čtenáře detektivek (Reading Detective Stories): Čs.Spisovatel, Prague, 1965,1967; Rozmluvy,

London, 1988; AIEP, Prague, 1990 Translations : 1. Hungary (Európa 1966)

2.  O nich – o nás (They – That Is: Us): Kruh, Hradec Králové, 1968. A book of essays on Američan authors (Stephen Crane, Ambrose Bierce, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler and E.S.Gardner)

3.  Samožerbuch (The Book of Self-Praise): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp. Toronto, 1977; Panorama, Prague, 1991. Co-author: Zdena Salivarová. A history of the Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., and comments on some of the books published by the house.

4.  Všichni ti bystří mladí muži a ženy: osobní historie českého filmu (All The Bright Young Men And Women; A Personál History of Czech Cinema): Horizont, Prague, 1991

Translations : Canada (Peter Martin Associates, Toronto, 1972,1975)

5.  Na brigádě (Working Overtime): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto, 1979. Essays on post-1968- Soviet-Invasion novels published by establishment publishing houses in Czechoslovakia. The volume includes essays on „normalized“ poetry written by Antonín Brousek.

6.  Jiří Menzel and the History of the Closely Watched Trains: East European Monographs, University of Colorado Press, Boulder, CO, 1982. A comparative study of the two fictional and one film versions of the novel Closely Watched Trains by Bohumil Hrabal.(The book was written in English)

7.  Talkin‘ Moscow Blues: Lester Orpen Dennys, Toronto, 1988; Ecco Press, New York, 1990; Faber and Faber,London, 1990. Essays on jazz, literatuře, film and politics, printed originally in various Američan magazines, and written in English.

8.  Franz Kafka, jazz a jiné marginálie ( Franz Kafka, Jazz and other Marginal Matters): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., 1988. Mostly Czech translations of essays in Talkin‘ Moscow Blues; some essays omitted, others added.

9.  …in the lonesome October : Harbourfront Reading Series Booklet,Toronto, 1994)

10.       Le Camarade Joueur de jazz (Anatolia, Paris, 1996)


1. Velká povídka o Americe (A Tall Tale Of America): Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto, 1980; Kruh, Hradec Králové, 1992 Translations of individual chapters:

1.  U.S.A. (Evergreen Review,September 1970, story „The Uncelebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County“)2.  U.S.A. (Catbird Pressanthology Here We Are: The Humorists‘ Guide to the United States, 1991, story „The Largest Oddest Building“)


1. Nezoufejte! (Don’t Despair!): Poezie mimo domov, Munchen, 1979; Josef Škvorecký Club, Prague, 1990

2.  Dívka z Chicaga (The Girl from Chicago): Poezie mimo domov, 1980; Josef Škvorecký Club, Prague, 1990

3. Blues libeňského plynojemu (The Libeň Gass Tank Blues):Bibliophile Print, Pilsen, 1992

3. …na tuhlebolest nejsou prášky (…there’s no Remedy for this Pain): IvoŽelezný, Prague, 1999. Vol 12, Collected Works,


1.Malá pražská matahára (Literární Akademie, Prague, 2003) Script for afeature film to be made by the Czech Television in 2009


1.1 Was Born In Náchod; an Autobiographical Sketch in Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series, Gale Research Company, Detroit, 1984; Granta 14, Winter 1984 (a slightly abbreviated version, titled „Failed Saxophonist“)

Translations : 1. Czech Republic (Blízká setkání, 1994; translated as Příběh neúspěšného saxofonisty 2. Poland (Swiat Literacki, 1999)

2.         Headed for the Blues (translation of Neuilly)

1.  U.S.A. (Ecco Press, 1996)

2.  Canada(Knopf Canada, 1997)

3.  England (FAber and Faber, 1998)

4.  France (Editions du Rocher, scheduled for 2001)

3.         Jaroslav Suchý (Ed.): Náchod, That BeautifulTown of Kostelec (Náchod, to krásné město Kostelec). The Josef ŠkvoreckýSociety, Prague. This is a picture book of my native town. All texts are quotations fřom my bookspertaining to the various localities shown on the photographs


Fortnightly theatre reviewsin Divadelní noviny (Theatre News) Prague, 1967-68


1. Zločin v dívčí škole (Crime in a Girls‘ School), 1966. An anthology film containing three medium-length stories directed by Jiří Menzel, Ivo Novák and Ladislav Rychman

2.  Táňa a dva pistolníci (Táňa and the Two Gunmen). Directed by Radim Cvrček. This was a feature based on the novel of the samé name which I had written with Jan Zábrana. The Authorities had no idea that I was the co-author. The film was awarded the Grand Prize at the Children’s Film Festival in Moscow

3.  Zločin v šantánu (Crime in a Night Club), 1968. Directed by Jiří Menzel

4.  Farářův konec (End of a Priest), 1968. Directed by Evald Schorm

5.  Flirt se slečnou Stříbrnou (Miss Silveťs Past), 1969. Directed by Václav Gajer; based on my novel Lvíče (Miss Silveťs Past)

6.  Šest černých dívek (The Six Brunettes), 1969.Directed by Ladislav Rychman

7.  Tankový prapor (The Tank Battalion), 1991.Based on my novel of the samé name. The first privately produced feature film in Czechoslovakia since1945.1 did not write the script


1.Oh, My Papá! (AsahiPress, Tokyo, 1972: an English Language Edition for Students ofEnglish, with Japanese annotations)


1.Lída Baarová :Útěky; Vlastní životopis Lidy Baarové, jak jej vyprávěla Josefu Škvoreckému(The Escapes; an Autobiography of Lída Baarová as Told to Josef Škvorecký):Sixty-Eight Publishers, Corp., Toronto, 1983. An autobiography of the CzechFilm and Stage Star, who was the femme fatale of Josef Goebbels.


1. Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, 1956, 2001 (with Jarmila Emmerová)

2.  Henry James, The Aspern Papers, 1958 (with P.L.Dorůžka)

3.  Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms, 1958

4.  William Faulkner, A Fable, 1965 (with P.L.Dorůžka; received the 1966 Annual Award for Best Translation,

sponsored by the Writers‘ Union

5.  Sinclair Lewis, Babbitt, 1962

6.  Alan Sillitoe, The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner, 1962

7.  Dashiell Hammett, The Glass Key, 1963,1992

8.  Raymond Chandler, The Lady In The Lake, 1965

9.  William Styron, The Long March, 1968

10.       Warren Miller, The Cool World, 1963 (under the name of Jan Zábrana; this edition was banned at first, then

two years later released in a restricted printrun only for the use of scholars and pedagogues. Reprintedin 1990)

11.       Martina Navrátilová : Já jsem já, 1985(translation of the tennis playeťs autobiography published in Englishas Martina)


1. Selected Writings of Sinclair Lewis (Odeon, Prague, started 1962)

2.   Collected Writings of Ernest Hemingway (Odeon, Prague, started 1965)

3.   Three Times Hercule Poirot: Three Novels by Agatha Christie (Odeon, Prague, 1967)

4.   Three Times Lord Peter: Three Novels by Dorothy Sayers (Odeon, Prague, 1979, 1991. My name did not appear in the 1979 edition, since after leaving the country, I was blacklisted)

5.   Tvář jazzu I. (The Face of Jazz I.): SHV, Prague 1966 (an anthology of essays on the history and aesthetics of jazz music, of biographies of famous musicians etc.Part I. covers the history till the emergence of be-bop. Edited and translated with P.L.Dorůžka)

6.   Tvář jazzu II. (The Face of Jazz II.): SHV, Prague, 1970. Edited and translated with P.L.Dorůžka. My name was deleted from this edition because of blacklisting; covers the history from be-bop till the sixties.

7.   Jazzová inspirace (The Jazz Inspiration): Odeon, Prague, 1966. An anthology of poetry, both Američan and Czech, inspired by jazz music. Edited with P.L.Dorůžka. Contains also my poems „An Ode to Eva FitzPilarová“ and „The Libeň Gass Tank Blues“, reprinted later in the West in the anthology Almanach české zahraniční poezie 1979, publ. by Poezie mimo domov, Munchen

8.   Nachrichten aus der ČSSR (Newsfrom Czechoslovakia): Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt, 1968. An anthology of essays, articles and cartoons from the Writers‘ Unionweekly Listy, 1968

9. Swing na malém městě (Small Town Swing) Ivo Železný, Prague 2002.


1. Regular disc-jockey programs on Rádio Prague featuring old swing music and called Six in an Armchair (Šest na lenošce) 1965-68. With P.L.Dorůžka

2.  Josef Skvorecký in His Own Words. A four-hour programme from theauthoťs writings with his commentary:CBC Stereo 1983

3.  The End of LieutenantBorůvka. ABBC dramatisation, London 1976)